<aside> 💡 We don’t live in a world of bland CVs and I’ve-already-sent-this-exact-letter-sixty-six-times-before cover letters anymore. Every generalist (and really every professional, for that matter), should have a digital personal portfolio that does a great job of showing, not telling, your narrative.
<aside> ⏰ Est Time: 1-2 Hours (depending on how beautiful you want it to look 😉)
<aside> 🪜 You’re here: 🟣🟣🟣🟣/⚪⚪⚪
<aside> ⚡ By the end of this module, you’ll have:
<aside> 🪄 ACTION: This is a portfolio/landing page template that you can get up and running from Notion in less than 30 minutes. It starts with a quick bio section before moving into your professional values, your key content and how you spend your time. Work through each section by clicking the buttons to replace the template content with your own. There is a section number for every part of your landing page, along with a quick tip about how to approach that section.
P.S. If you don’t like the look of this template, we’ve listed some other options at the end of this page.
<aside> 💜 QUICK TIP: This first section is your headline. This is where you get the opportunity to give a snapshot of who you are so people can decide whether they want to read on or not. This format makes it easy to shout about the core elements of your journey/what you want to be known for. Feel free to mix it up as suits you! We also think the Spotify embed adds a sparkle of generalist personality 😉
I’m a visionary who’s on a mission to unlock human potential and mobilise people around problems that matter.
I believe in interdisciplinary ways of thinking, real-world learning and language and culture as a catalyst for systemic change
👇🏽 [XXX]
👇🏽 [XXX]
I’m a [**XXX**]
who’s on a mission to [XXX]
I believe in [**XXX**]
as a catalyst for [**XXX**]
What I’m listening to at the moment…
<aside> 💜 QUICK TIP: The next section is about your professional values. Feel free to mix up this template based on what suits you best. and which sides of your multi-faceted self you want to showcase!
“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”
Through working closely with team members across the org, I cut through the noise that exists across all companies and locate the problem areas that are holding you back.
Transparency is about x, y, and z to me.
<aside> 💜 QUICK TIP: For you writers out there, the below section is a great place to showcase your content. But if you’re more of a visual designer, or you’re super into videographer, use this space to showcase those brilliant skills!